Alison Prine


Diagnosis of the Sugar Maple

Artist Statement: Talking & Listening to Plants

As a child I was dropped young into the maze of grief. Everyone in my family was caught in it. My mother’s mother’s sorrow was so immense, I couldn’t stay in the house when she came over. There was a sweet cherry in our neighbor’s backyard. I climbed up into its limbs. There was a willow on the corner of Larchmont and Sunrise Drive that allowed me to slip beneath its trailing branches. Later I would watch the oak in the front yard let go of her leaves as they twirled past the window. A tree can teach you everything you need to know to practice dying.


Alison Prine’s debut collection of poems, Steel (Cider Press Review, 2016) was named a finalist for the 2017 Vermont Book Award. Her poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Virginia Quarterly Review, Five Points, Harvard Review, and Prairie Schooner among others. She lives and works in Burlington, Vermont. Visit her at