Talking & listening to plants
The literary magazine Plant-Human Quarterly explores the myriad ways writers manifest their relationship to the botanical world – from heavily researched pieces, to keen observation, to less systematic, intuitive ways of knowing and interacting – that attempt to communicate across boundaries and possibly approach a plant’s-eye-view of the world. We seek both unpublished and published* poetry and essays. As our name implies, we publish quarterly, and we read manuscript submissions year-round. But we ask that you submit work no more than once per quarter. Send no more than 5 poems or an essay of no more than 1500 words (flash essay or essay excerpt) in a single Word document. Submit by email only to Neil Shepard at plant.human.quarterly@gmail.com.
Neil Shepard, Editor-in-chief
*If your work was previously published in magazine or book form, we will acknowledge the original publisher. Because magazine rights revert to the author after publication, you do not have to request reprint permission from the magazine. However, if your work was previously published in book form, please obtain reprint permission before sending your work to PHQ.