Out Back

The ferns, mint, foxglove, and tall grass

growing every whichway behind the kitchen

surpass anything I could say

about them. And the purple vetch

I pulled out yesterday—

perhaps I was wrong to think

it was strangling the others;

it might just as well have been

binding them all together …

though here I could be making yet

another mistake. Better to let them 

all be, to take of them freely

by other means and without

much remark, the way the wind

bends and jostles the ferns, 

and the bumblebees and moths

visit the last pink bells at the tops

of the swaying foxglove stalks.

Jeffrey Harrison is the author of six books of poetry, including, most recently, Between Lakes (Four Way Books, 2020) and Into Daylight (Tupelo Press, 2014), winner of the Dorset Prize. Read more.

“Out Back” originally appeared in Into Daylight, © 2014 by Jeffrey Harrison, Tupelo Press.



