Val Corsaglia, Italian Piemonte

We walked away from the village of Corsaglia along a trail that led through lush, 

Species loss

nearly impenetrable oak, hazelnut, and chestnut woods, past ancient stone houses 

ocean acidification

and shepherds’ huts, beside a rushing stream.  When we began to walk it was softly

ocean “dead zones”

raining.  The rain soon stopped, but the mist and cool soft air remained. All over,

global freshwater crisis 

wildflowers—buttercups, daisies, scabiosa with its purple tufts, Johnny jump-ups,


button ferns, wild geraniums, wild strawberries.  Once, when the river 

consequent soil erosion

curved away, a meadow opened up to our left, and it was so richly flowering 

colony collapse disorder

that I could only think of the millefleur foregrounds of medieval paintings, 

fertilizers and herbicides, chemically toxic soil

the thousand small flowers springing up around the Christ child

ANN FISHER-WIRTH’s eighth book is Into the Chalice of Your Thoughts, a poetry/photography collaboration with Wilfried Raussert, with translations into Spanish by the Women in Translation group at U Wisconsin-Madison (U Guadalajara Press, 2023). Read more.




Arbor Day