King Clone Creosote

Belted bees thirst and even the greasewood is 

A hollow bath breathing the heady morning clean 

a steaming




Shape caught out of time but mouthing as one breath 

A waxing awn waking unto itself and itself

How does one experience a brazen branch 

To break the reproductive specter in a ring ever expanding outward?

One fruiting body but the breath holds water like rain 

One body to one body to one body

A rhizomatic nesting

Held as a glottal pass or an open juncture

Registering disruption registering emergence registering emergency

When considering the clone one must consider the wraith

As a word to contain 

A breath that breathes for more

BRITA SAUER is an MFA Candidate in Poetry at NMSU and Assistant Poetry Editor for Puerto del Sol. Read more.


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