

For six months I looked

at these treetops

from this same window 


the irregular cross-hatching of their branches. 

And now that we’ve returned

and I sit here once again 


I have the sense, that for all 

those nights we were gone, the trees 

visited me while I slept,


in a kind of recurring dream

their design against the sky 

shown as from a projector;


and I’d walk in front of the generous beam 

and their branches would cover my skin

and move through me.


I hadn’t realized this until now

as they stand before me 

as though I had been missed.

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Sally Bliumis-Dunn’s poems have appeared the New York Times, Paris Review, PBS NewsHour, Plume, Poetry London, Prairie Schooner, RATTLE, the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-day and Ted Kooser’s “American Life in Poetry”. Read more.

Sally Bliumis-Dunn’s poem “View” was published in The Journal of American Poetry.




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