For Passions Denied: Pineywoods Lily


Who knows what unrelieved yearning

finally produced the pink-and-lavender-wax 

control of these petals, what continual longing 

resulted in the sharp arcing of the leaves,

what unceasing obsession became itself

in the steady siren of the ruby stigma?  That tense 

line of magenta disappearing over the boundaries 

of the blossom is so unequivocal in the decision 

of its direction, one is afraid to look too long.  

I don't know what it is that a pineywoods lily, 

with all her being, might wish for. Yet whatever 

dearest thing this lily was denied, it's clear she must 

very greatly have suffered, to be before us now 

so striking in her bearing, so fearsome in her rage.


PATTIANN ROGERS has published fourteen books of poetry, most recently Quickening Fields from Penguin/Random House, 2017. Read More

Pattiann Rogers’ poem “For Passions Denied: Pineywoods Lilly” was previously published in Splitting and Binding (Wesleyan University Press, 1989) and is reprinted here by permission of the author


Yearning Ways


Strange World