How do we become other? By exhausting the boundaries of self? By softening our skin? Through extending friendship to the more-than-human? Through virtual co-performance? The approach of radical tenderness asks us to gift ourselves to a world we know to be broken, full of human and environmental injustices, and in which we will most likely be completely insignificant.

Everyone is invited to join La Compañia de la Ternura Radical (conceived by Fernanda Gonzalez Morales for her Master of Theatre Practices). You must only choose a score, and follow the invitations within the box:

The time of a plant

Yours is not the only time in the world. The speed with which you incorporate life is not the only one in the world. Viruses are faster, trees are slower. Yield your perspective on time to another’s vision.

Plant a seed, protect and foster growth.

As you wait, the box is yours to use.

When a plant grows, repot it. Move it to a larger space.

Get new seeds, fair, re-stock.

Put the tiny pots back.

You followed the time of another being, made yourself to it.


Gemini Feed